Monday, June 27, 2011

Pictures from St. Catherine's in Columbia

They wrote a sweet message on the church sign for us!
This is what Friday water and shaving cream fun day looks like.

Us with all the kids in Totus Tuus!

McEwen, Tennessee!

We're now in McEwen, TN, a cute little town that is incredibly small but so precious. Everything here is completely different from all the other places we've been so far. Katy and I are staying in a family's extra summer house, so we have a whole house all to ourselves! Nick and PJ are staying in an old building that used to be a convent, so they have the whole building to themselves, too. Katy and I have our own rooms and our own bathrooms. We're being spoiled!

Last week, I had twenty-eight first and second graders in my class. This week, I have FOUR. Only four. The biggest class has nine kids. I'm actually afraid that I might not have enough prepared to teach these kids; we're not wasting time on things like taking a huge class to the bathroom or waiting for everyone to get quiet. The kids are so well-behaved, and everything is just going smoothly. I could actually pay attention during daily Mass today instead of having to get kids to be quiet and pay attention. It's so different from what I'm used to, but it's been so great to just sit at a table and talk to kids about how great God is. This class is a lot more discussion-based, and it's so wonderful to hear what kids think of God. They are so, so sweet!

This is definitely God taking care of us because we're starting to get really exhausted. I'm not really sure that I could have handled a really difficult parish this last week before our break. Our break is in less than a week now. That means only a few more days until I can see my family! I am most definitely not looking forward to Totus Tuus being over, but I have really needed a little bit of a break. Spending time with my family and getting Hank and Oscar lovies will re-energize me for the last two weeks of Totus Tuus. Please keep St. Patrick's parish in McEwen in your prayers!

More about McEwen to come soon! God bless!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Prayer Intentions!

For anyone who would like to prayerfully support my team, here are some specific things that I and my team would love for you to pray for:
  • Our health and strength. Totus Tuus does not allow very much time for sleeping, so we've all been having sore throats and stuffy noses. Plus, the program is just exhausting.
  • Our ability to allow the Holy Spirit to speak and work through us.
  • The kids in our morning program and the teens in our evening program--for their openness to what we're teaching.
  • Our host families and the families that fix us meals.
  • Finally, we take turns giving talks during the night program. I would definitely appreciate prayers on the nights that I talk, and I'm sure my teammates would, too. See below for the schedule of talks.

Sunday Night: Nick's talk (Man's Capacity for God), my witness talk
Monday Night: PJ's talk (God Comes to Meet Man/Man's Response to God), Katy's witness talk
Tuesday Night: My talk (God's Plan for the Human Body)
Wednesday Night: Katy's talk (Eucharist and Confession), PJ's witness talk
Thursday Night: Vocations panel--this isn't any of us, but you can pray for the people on the panel. It changes every week.

Thanks so much, and God bless!

Three Down, Three to Go!

We just finished our third week of teaching (second on our own after the internship week). I'm exhausted! All of the little daily mortifications are starting to wear on me. Little things like not eating things I normally eat and not having opportunities to relax are great ways to suffer and be more like Jesus, but after a while, that cross just gets heavier and heavier! Please pray for my strength this coming week. We just have one more week until our 4th of July break and silent retreat. If I can make it through this week, I can make it through to the end!
I'm beginning to really, really miss my family. I was doing pretty well with not being homesick until this week. Father's Day made me really miss my Daddy. I had to miss my little brother's 16th birthday this week, and that didn't make missing my family any better. Every time I use my cell phone and see sweet Oscar and Henry faces, I wish I could be with them. I miss St. Michael's a lot, too. We've been to very many beautiful churches these past few weeks, but there's nothing like going to Mass in my own parish. So, basically, I miss Opelika and Auburn!
Every single day, I understand a little bit more why God has called me to this particular ministry, in this particular diocese, with this particular team, to these particular parishes. I'm learning so much about myself and about how to love others through this experience. Before Totus Tuus, I already had a love for children. Man, has that love grown! Absolutely nothing compares to the beautiful joy that radiates from a child who understands God's love. And I get to see smiles like that almost everyday this summer! It's amazing. I've learned so much from my teammates, too. I've never really been on a team this small before. I'm learning how to die to myself for others and how to let others take care of me. I know that sounds silly, but it's so true. Because there are only four of us, we really have to rely on each other for spiritual and emotional support. I'm just so blessed that I get along with my team so well.
We're leaving in a few hours for St. Patrick's in McEwen, TN! Please pray for safe travels--looks like we're going to be driving through bad weather again.
OH, and I don't know how I haven't blogged about this yet, but my team gets to hear Scott Hahn speak in July! I'll give more details later.
God bless!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Totus Tuus in Columbia

On our way to Columbia, we hit some really bad weather. By God's grace, we made it safely. I was a nervous wreck in the car, though, because the weather was awful and my Katy wasn't there to hold my hand. The weekend was really hard without Katy; I realized just how much I depend on her for spiritual and emotional support. After spending a day and a half apart, we stayed up way too late getting caught up on each others' lives. A lot can happen in a couple of days! Being separated for a little while definitely made me all the more thankful that I get along with Katy so well. We really are a team, and it was so weird for the team to be incomplete. Now she's back, and we can get back to being a missionary team together!

The morning Totus Tuus program is usually for rising 1st-6th graders, but St. Catherine's didn't realize until it was too late that it's for kids starting 1st-6th grade in the fall instead of kids who just finished 1st-6th grade. When I usually teach my 1st and 2nd grade class, I have kids who are 6 and 7. My class this week has 7-year-olds and 8-year-olds because they just finished 1st and 2nd grade. It's not a problem at all; the kids are very sweet kids. I just didn't realize until this week how much more mature a group of 7 and 8 year olds is than a group of 6 and 7 year olds. I was slightly unprepared for teaching older kids, but I think I'm getting the hang of things.

I'm realizing how important it is for us missionaries to be flexible with how we teach the material in the curriculum. There simply is not a way for me to know how a class will go until the first day when I meet the kids. I am a planning freak, and I feel like God is asking me to use this necessary spontaneity to get me to rely on Him more and on myself less. Trusting that God will make everything work out can be so hard sometimes! Please pray for me and for my team. Pray that we can honestly say "Totus Tuus" to God and that we can totally give our hearts and lives over to Him!

God bless! Prayers!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Saturday in the Park

My team is just a little bit obsessed with the song "Saturday in the Park," and we sing it all the time. This past Saturday before we left Lawrenceburg, we stopped by the Davy Crockett State Park. There was a cute little museum in the park, and we went through and read a few things about Davy Crockett's life. My family watched Davy Crockett movies all the time when I was younger, so it was a little trip down memory lane for me. Nick, PJ, and I (Katy went home for the weekend) completely forgot to sing our song while we were at the park, though, and it would have been perfect because we were in a park on a Saturday! Maybe we'll have another opportunity later.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Visit from an AWESOME Seminarian!

Also, Brendan came down to Lawrenceburg on Thursday night after we begged him all week. We were so excited!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hello, Goodbye

We just finished up our first week on our own. Time flies. I'm praying so hard that I will truly be able to live in the present and make the most of this summer. We still have four more weeks to go, but I'm so sad that we're already this far. One of the hardest things about Totus Tuus is saying goodbye to everyone on Fridays. We spend an entire week investing pretty much every moment of our time to a parish, and now we have to say goodbye, possibly forever. I'm not very good at saying goodbye to people in the first place, and knowing that I may not be able to see any of these kids again is really hard for me to accept. We don't only invest our time in these kids; we invest our emotions and souls. By the end of the day, I am so exhausted physically, but spiritually, I'm so extremely alive. It's a really strange feeling to try to explain. The gist of it is that in order to be a good missionary, I have to give a little bit of my heart to each of these parishes. We have to be so vulnerable, so open to what the Holy Spirit wants to do with us. I love totally devoting myself to God and to these kids, and I'm so sad that I only have the opportunity to experience a snippet of their lives. It's probably a really good thing, though, because leaving people behind forces me to truly be a missionary and not use this work to glorify myself at all. I need to make myself replaceable; I need to just show them God then let Him take over. Lord, grant me the grace to offer up my devotion to these kids for Your glory!

Tomorrow, we head to Columbia to start all over again with a new parish. I'm so excited to meet these new souls and walk with them to Christ for a week! My team is a bit incomplete for the weekend because Katy had to go home. I miss her so much already! She'll be back on Sunday before the teen program begins, so we won't be separated for too long.

More updates on our week in Columbia later! Please pray that I will have as much internet access there as I have had here!

God bless!

Adventures in Lawrenceburg

1. Nick's (or I guess I should say Andy's) GPS took us down a dirt road one night as we were going to a family's house for dinner. It turns out that the path was just so close to the actual road that the GPS thought we were driving on the right road. After driving down a big hill by a pond and finding plastic chairs around what seemed to be a campfire site, we turned around and found our way back to the main road. We had totally missed the sign for the street. Team bonding!

2. The weather for our Friday water and shaving cream fun day started out terribly. There were thunderstorms in the morning, and we thought we were going to have to keep the kids inside for the afternoon. Everything ended up being fine in the afternoon, though. During the morning storm, we accidentally got locked out of the church and the school and had to drive all the way back to the boys' host family to get the key. Luckily, I had my rain jacket with me. :)

3. Because we were locked out in the morning, we didn't have time to pray morning prayer as a team before the elementary school program. We ended up praying morning prayer, evening prayer, and night prayer after dinner in the church. This probably doesn't sound too funny, but when you're as tired and delirious as I am right now, it's hilarious.

4. After our extreme Liturgy of the Hours session, we explored Walmart. We found a McDonald's. Enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Come, Holy Spirit! Teach Us How to Pray!

I am still amazed at how much I love my team. Even though we've spent pretty much every waking moment together for the past two weeks, it's like I can't spend enough time with them. I absolutely love being around all of them. How well our team gets along really is a great example of how powerful prayer is. I've been praying for my teammates since before I even knew I was accepted for Totus Tuus, and I've especially been praying for my female teammate. I love Katy Biddle so much that it's hard to go to sleep at night because we want to stay up late talking. I am just so blessed and so thankful. God is too great.

This first week on our own at Sacred Heart has been so, so, so great. We have made some mistakes that we will learn from for future parishes, but for the most part, the Holy Spirit has been on our side. Over and over and over again, I can feel the Holy Spirit speaking through me. I'll be talking to kids or students and not know what is coming out of my mouth. My prayer before I begin any teaching--whether it is teaching about Old Testament covenants or giving a talk to the older kids--is that the Holy Spirit will use my words to reach the kids. And let me tell you, He listens! I'm beginning to really understand what it means to live out Totus Tuus, to devote myself totally to God through Mary. I am just overflowing with this amazing kind of joy I've only experienced in small doses before. God is so awesome, and He is SO REAL!

Please continue to keep Totus Tuus in your prayers. These kids' lives are being changed--New Evangelization is happening! I don't think I could be happier!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet Home ALMOST Alabama

So far, Lawrenceburg is awesome! Our living situation is COMPLETELY different from last week. Katy and I are staying with the principal of the Catholic elementary school here, and her house is absolutely amazing. All of her kids are grown up, so we're staying in their old rooms. We got to pick among three different rooms, all with huge beds and tons of space. The bathroom is huge, too! We have lots of privacy here, which is so wonderful. The people in charge decided to put all of us with families who didn't have kids living at home anymore because they figured we would be tired of being around kids all day. I really love children, but it's been so nice to go home and let my guard down a little bit. The principal is a wonderful cook, too, so we've been very well fed!

Everyone down here is so outgoing. Nashville is in the South, but it's still a big city. People in Nashville were nice but not as Southern and polite as I'm used to back home.Lawrenceburg is full of Southern hospitality, and I love it. Opelika is definitely bigger than Lawrenceburg, but I feel so at home here. Southerners are so good at welcoming people, and it makes being around new people so much easier.

My class in the mornings is absolutely wonderful. All of these kids are so well behaved; I'm very impressed! They clean up after themselves without us even asking them to--such a blessing! My first and second graders have the longest attention span I've ever seen for kids their age. I've gotten to go pretty deep into some scripture because they're so attentive and they actually enjoy reading the Bible. These kids have such beautiful hearts. I'm really going to miss them when we have to leave on Saturday! Please pray that all of our students will be as great as this bunch!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


First Week Craziness

For our first week of teaching, we have to do an internship with other Totus Tuus teachers. We trained with the missionaries for the Archdiocese of Atlanta while we were in Cullman, and they happened to not have a parish for internship purposes. They decided to just go with us while we interned. We ended up having FOUR teams of missionaries (16 people) working at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in downtown Nashville this week, and it was crazy! Each team had a day of teaching, and we sort of shadowed the other teachers on the days we weren't teaching. In some ways, it was really nice to not have to have all of my lesson plans done in time for the first week, but in many ways, it was more of a hassle. The kids got pretty confused because they had a different teacher everyday, and the overall lack of central authority was more than I could handle. It was so hard to be organized with so many different people and opinions and ways of doing things. I absolutely cannot wait for next week so I can just have team time and have my own class!
We had two girl host families and two guy host families this week, so I have been at a house with three other girls. The family is wonderful; they have five beautiful blonde children and one on the way, and they're so holy! They really are great people, but we've had some problems with the living arrangements. Katy and I have been sharing an air mattress, and it has a slow leak. The host family dad has usually blown it back up for us, but when he didn't blow it up, he left the air pump in the room. The only problem is that you have to haul the mattress out to the car to blow it up because the charger only works in cars. The walkway to get to our car is very narrow, plus we're girls trying to carry a queen size mattress. When he didn't blow it up, Katy and I just got over it and slept pretty much on the floor. Needless to say, we haven't gotten much sleep this week. On top of that, the host families all live pretty far away from the church because the church is in the downtown area. We've lost about an hour of sleep every night because we've gotten back late and have had to get up early.
The worst part of it all is that the room we're staying in has a bug problem. One night when we walked in, there was a roach on our bed. A few nights ago, a bug fell on Katy's face while she was sleeping. Madeline was making her bed one morning and found a mystery bug under her pillow that looked like a roach with spider legs. Today we found a cricket and a slug, and there have been random little things in the shower. As I was typing this blog post (in the dark), a mosquito crawled across my body. I thought it was a spider, and I jumped off the bed. Overall, it's just been a bad experience.
Silver lining for it all: I'm pretty much best friends with my teamie now. Go team bonding!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Katy Boo

So, my teammates are awesome. Especially Katy Biddle. Katy and I like to brainstorm about ways to have team bonding, and Katy seems to be better at brainstorming than I am. When we got to Nashville after driving all the way from Cullman, Katy realized that she left her purse at Subway in Lawrenceburg when we stopped there for lunch. Lawrenceburg is about an hour south of Nashville. In the words of Katy Biddle, "So, funny story, guys. I might have left my purse at Subway..." Nick and PJ were very nice about the situation. We got back in the car and used our two hours of free time to go back to Lawrenceburg to get Katy's purse. Nick and PJ still had their cups from lunch, so they got refills. That most definitely was an opportunity for team bonding.

We know that God has a sense of humor because we found out yesterday that we're going to be at the Catholic church in Lawrenceburg next week! We're planning a Subway run for reminiscing purposes.

More to come later! God bless!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Teams Revealed!

Today (Wednesday), we found out who was on which teams! God is most definitely way too good to me. My teammates are Katy Biddle, PJ Jedlovec, and Nick Bulso, all Vandy students. I really couldn't ask for a better team. We all complement each other so well, and I absolutely love being around these three wonderful people. I have been praying for my teammates since January, praying that we will work well together and that we will call each other to be holier. I especially prayed for me fellow female teammate because I knew I would have to be around her a LOT, even mores than I'll be around the guys. God most definitely answers prayers! Katy Biddle is just a little bundle of joy, beautiful, Jesus-loving joy. I can't wait to spend the whole summer with her! PJ and Nick are awesome, too!
Since we have our teams, we've also gotten to choose who is teaching what grades and what talks. I am SO extremely excited because my teammates are letting me teach the first and second graders. Little children bring me so much joy; I absolutely cannot wait to meet all of them. I also get to give the theology of the body/love and responsibility/temperance talk to the high schoolers. God's plan for the human body is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful and mysterious aspects of God's creation.
If I had any doubts before about how great my summer would be, they have all completely vanished. I don't think I could be more excited about teaching catechesis to children and middle and high schoolers. Praise God!
St. John Bosco, patron of Totus Tuus Nashville, pray for us!

What? Physical Training, too?

So, I am not exactly the most active person in the world. Exercise and I are not very good friends, and I've never been a sports player. A big part of Totus Tuus is playing games, and this is most definitely going to be my biggest struggle with being a Totus Tuus missionary. I just prefer to have conversations with people instead of playing games with them, but I need to offer it up for the kids. I've been so sore from all this physical activity I'm not used to; we've been having "mandafun" (mandatory fun) and playing things like kickball. I am so out of shape!

Getting to Know You

We're finally starting to get past the awkward stage of first meeting each other. I feel so much more comfortable with being myself now, and that is truly relaxing. I've gotten to have a few one-on-one conversations with people, and it's been great. I'm actually really glad that I don't know who is on my team yet because I probably wouldn't spend much time with the other missionaries if I knew the three other people I'll be spending my summer with. At first, I felt drawn to a few people, and I was afraid that I would not be happy unless they were on my team. God has been so great in opening my heart, though, and I really could see myself working with pretty much all of the missionaries.

I'm beginning to find that training week is not only about giving us the knowledge we need for teaching the kids this summer; it is about getting our spiritual lives in shape for being missionaries. We have been praying the Liturgy of the Hours for morning prayer, evening prayer, and night prayer. I had a little bit of trouble navigating my breviary at first, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. We also are praying the rosary daily, going to mass daily, praying a holy hour daily, and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily. Talk about spiritual exercise! It's been so wonderful. There is absolutely no way I could get through this summer as a Totus Tuus teacher without prayer and the grace of the Holy Spirit, so it's such a blessing to get to pray in advance for my weeks at parishes.

Going over the curriculum has been really exciting, too. We've only gone over the stuff for the middle schoolers and high schoolers so far, but it's so great! College students have made such an impact in my life while I was in high school by sharing their struggles and giving advice for getting closer to God, and I am so excited that I will be able to help others in that way.

Sleep is priceless so far, so that's all I can post now. More to come! God bless!

I'm here!

We didn't have internet access at St. Bernard's Abbey during training week, so I just saved these blog posts to my computer so I could put them up later.

Saying goodbye to my family was probably one of the hardest things I've done. I've been praying everyday for the strength to be away from them, especially my baby brothers. Being at home for a while before I left was great because I got to spend time with all of them, but it also made goodbyes even more difficult. Dad drove me up to Cullman. We stopped for lunch in Birmingham and met my aunt and my cousin, which was great. We don't get to see them very often, and I loved getting to catch up.

Dad and I got to the Abbey a little bit early, so we explored the Ave Maria Grotto. It's beautiful! It has over 100 miniatures of buildings all around the world. We also met a sweet old man who ended up talking to us for about half an hour. Luckily, we needed to kill some time, so it all worked out very well. He makes pun-ny toys like a "baseball bat" which is a baseball with a bat face and wooden bat wings attached and a "chainsaw" which is a saw head with a chain attached. It was all very funny, and we enjoyed getting to know him.The gift shop for the Grotto was awesome, too. So many Catholic things!

At 4:00, I met up with everyone who carpooled down from Nashville. We're staying in the retreat and conference center on the campus of the Abbey, and it's great. It really feels like a hotel. Having my own bed has been wonderful; I've been sleeping on the couch at home because Elizabeth needed to move in a little over a week before I left. Never before have I been more excited to see a twin bed! My roommate for training is a Vanderbilt student, and she's very nice. Most of the missionaries go to Vandy.

I haven't gotten to know any one person very well because there are 12 Nashville missionaries and 4 Atlanta missionaries here, but we'll be split up into teams of 4 for the actual Totus Tuus teaching. I'm looking forward to being in smaller groups because I value one-on-one quality time so much. It's hard for me to get to know people when I meet a lot of people at one time.

Because there are so many students from Vanderbilt, I feel a little bit like an outsider. Almost everyone knows each other. Everyone is so very nice, but it's just not the same as being at home with all my great CSO friends. I miss my spiritual community back at home! I know I will grow so much by being out of my comfort zone, but that doesn't mean that it's easy, especially at first.

This weekend of training, we've just been going over the basics of Totus Tuus. We haven't gotten started on learning the actual curriculum, but we're being introduced to the mission of Totus Tuus and what exactly we're going to be doing. I can't wait to actually be around all the kids. There's just something about children that makes me want to praise God; I can't explain it. Their beauty is astounding, and they do not put limits on their love. The only bad thing about hearing people talk about kids is that it makes me miss Hank and Oscar.

More to come later! Please keep us in your prayers! I'm praying for everyone back at home!